Thursday, 17 December 2009

Forms and Conventions of a music video

• Relationship between lyrics and the visual either illustrating, amplifying or contradicting the lyrics
• There is a relationship between music and visuals. This can be the editing for example if the song is fast it needs to have fast cuts mimicking the movements though the genre or camera movement
• Music videos styles have there own style and iconography.
• There is a demand of the part of the record company that is producing the video they will want close up shots of the artist.
• Each singer/band will develop their own iconography
• Within a video there will be inter references of different screens


• The lyrics should establish a general mood or feeling or a sense of subject matter rather then offer a coherent meaning
• The words may go with the beat but thee lyrics may not
• Use the tempo of the track to drive the editing
• Emphasis the sound from the track by foregrounding instruments for example something can happen on a beat


• The genre need to have distinct features of the genre for example mise en scene, themes, performance, camera work and editing


• How the camera is used and how the images are sequenced have a significant impact.
• Camera movements can be portrayed though the movement of the performance to create a dynamic affect
• Close ups predominates a sense of intimacy and shows the star


• The most common for music videos is fast cut montage. Images on the first watch are impossible to show first time therefore you can put this in again.
• The editing establishes the mood it is sometimes enhanced with a digital effect
• In terms of the narrative, the editing is rarely complete fragmentary the editing offers complex fragments in a non-linear order
• The editing is often cut between a performance/live and a narrative. Sometimes the artist may be involved in the performance acting as the narrator and participant, allowing a more varied access.

Sunday, 13 December 2009

Our Group

For our A2 coursework we were able to work in groups to produce our music promo video as they will be large amount of work that will need to be done. our group consists of me, Hennie Clough, Georgina campbell and Rakhee Patel. We decided as a group that we all want to do well in our coursework. Each of us have many ideas and different skills that we can bring to this project both creative and technical.

Friday, 11 December 2009

The Breif!

For our main task we were given three breifs to choose from they all had a wide range of skills and technology, as a group we choose to do this on

A promotion package for the release of an album, to include a music promo video, together with two of the following three options:

A website homepage for the band;

A cover for its release as part of the digipak (CD/DVD package);

A magazine advertisement for the digipak (CD/DVD package).

We then decided that the two options that we were going to together with our music promo video was a website homepage for the band as we all can use dreamweaver and can show my skills whilst doing this. The other option that we have decided to do is a cover for its release as part of the digipak (CD/DVD package)


Two door cinema club - I can talk

You won't believe what I tell you,
White coats and clever minds will choose
You get a lot from this
loose tongue and arrogance
It's not appropriate
Don't think that this is it

Now I can talk, no one gets off
(I know how you like to)
Now I can talk, no one gets off

A longer sentence brings no more
Than one that I had said before
It's hard to compromise
When I see through your eyes
It's just a common view
I guess it's lost on you

Now I can talk, no one gets off
(I know how you like to)
Now I can talk, no one gets off


Now I can talk, no one gets off
(I know how you like to)
Now I can talk, no one gets off