Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Digi pak - Pull In Emergency, Face off

Pull in emergency
This is the album cover that Georgina found and based her mock up digipaks on. The album cover is simplistic, there is no text just the artist. I think that this picture is very eye catching and the target audience will want to buy the album. This picture is simple but effective and has the sort off affect at we want to portray in our digipak. the grey scale is similar to the colours in our music video, also the black tape stands out.

Face off

Whilst doing my research in to album cover, I found an R 'n' B album called face off. I liked this picture as it show half of two different faces. I though that this would be quite affective for the digipack front cover as one half could be the girl with normal make up on and the other side could be the girl with clown make up on. Also it could be in grey scale with the red lips in colour. The text could still be simple but may have to be quite large.

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