Wednesday, 3 March 2010


In lesson we watched many videos from the previous years and we liked many of ideas one we really liked was the the flower blossoming and wanted to use this idea but it would take a long time to do so we have adapted it. So the new idea is that we will film the rose petal falling of rather the blooming and dying

One of the video that we found on YouTube that was about clowns, one of the videos we found was Pennywise the scary clown from the film IT. The clip that we liked from the movie was was when the men was in the back of a taxi and he see Pennywise at the side of the road with balloon, when he turn forward he has a balloon next to him in the taxi. When Hennie found this clip and shared it with us we all watch it and wanted to include and adaption of this in our video. so the idea we had would be the girl walks past the clown in the woods and he would have balloon in his hand then when she turns around she will have a balloon is her hand.

Georgina found a music video called The Way I Am by Ingrid Michaelson. In this video the girl is the only perosn that is not dressed up as a clown and she is the outcast, people think that she is wired and laugh at her but there is one man who is in love with her. From this video we liked the clown make up any the way the girl reacts around the clown.

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